Dr. Carlo Ricci

Areas of Specialization:
Social justice and cultural studies, alternative schooling, holistic education, unschooling
Research Interests:
Unschooling, self-directed learning, reading, the willed curriculum, technology, mobile learning, free schooling, democratic education
Current & Future Research:
Unschooling, self-directed learning, reading, the willed curriculum, technology, mobile learning, free schooling, democratic education
Books Authored
Ricci, C. & Mintz, J. (Eds.). (2010). Turning points: 35 Educational visionaries in education tell their own stories. USA: AERO. (note: this is an expanded version of the book below)
Ricci, C. & Mintz, J. (Eds.). (2010). Turning points: 27 Educational visionaries in education tell their own stories. USA: AERO.
Ricci, C. (2007). Schools (K)ill: How architecture, unhealthy foods, poor air and water quality, germs, and violence threaten our children. Retrieved April 29, 2008, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/education/carlor/books/Schools_Kill.pdf . (200 pages)
Ricci, C. (2007). Poisoned Apples: An insider exposes the victimization, abuse, politics, associated pain and SOLUTIONS to our educational crisis. Retrieved April 29, 2008, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/education/carlor/books/Poisoned_Apples.pdf . (150 pages)
Ricci, C. (2007). Using social justice issues to teach social literacy. Manuscript submitted for publication. (265 pages)
Books Cited
Chapters in Books
Ricci, C. (2010). Foreword. In Pritscher, C.P., Einstein & Zen (pp. xi-xiv). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc..
Ricci, C. (Accepted by editor). Homeschooling and the intercultural. In P. Rothermel (Ed.), Intercultural perspectives on home based education.
Ricci, C. (2008). Always learning. In Priesnitz, W. (Ed.), Life learning: Lessons from the educational frontier (pp. 103-108). Toronto, Ontario: The Alternative Press. (Note: this was already published in Life Learning magazine and the“best” pieces were turned into a book)
Ricci, C. (2008). The democratic teacher. In W. Richardson & C. Richardson (Eds.), Walking the talk: Putting theory into practice: Narratives from a faculty of education (pp. 143-150). Calgary, Alberta: Detselig Enterprises Ltd.
Ricci, C. (2009). “Who taught you how to write your letters? In V. Fitzenreiter (Ed.), title of book. Manuscript accepted for publication.
Ricci, C., & Price, J. (Accepted by editor). Teacher education laptop programs: Cautions and challenges. In R. Common (Ed.), Mobile computing initiative.
Ricci, C. (2005). Freirean literacy: Difference that makes a difference. In P. Trifonas (Ed.), Communities of difference: Culture, language, and technology (pp. 139-146). New York, N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan.
Papers in Refereed Journals
Ricci. C. (in press).Exploited by universities: Part-time workers as victims.Workplace: A journal of academic labour. Retrieved October1, 2010, from http://cust.educ.ubc.ca/workplace/ (14 pages)
Ricci. C. (2010).How my now six-year-old daughter learner to write her name, recognize numbers, read some words, and draw: A narrative.Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved February 1, 2010, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/NewIssue/v4171.pdf, (4)7, (14 pages)
Ricci, C. (2009). Philosophical clashes: Rethinking scholarship. Paideusis. Retrieved April 20, 2010 from http://journals.sfu.ca/paideusis/index.php/paideusis/article/view/218/1…, (18)2, pp.55-59.
Chernets, M., McCabe, M., & Ricci. C. (2009, Winter). The need for mental illness and education and acceible services.Child and Family Professional Journal, 12(3), 36-49. (Note: All authors contributed equally)
Ricci. C., & Price, J. (2009, April).Laptops and powerpoint: Teacher education for the senses or sensibilities.Technology Humanities Education Narrative. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from http://thenjournal.org/feature/228/, Issue 6, (18 pages) (Note: Both authors contributed equally)
Ricci. C., Gauthier, K., Baxter, J., & Neault, L. (2009).Voices: The need for alternative schooling.Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/Archives/V326/v3264.pdf, (3)6, (13 pages)
Ricci. C. (2009).Claiming our democratic rights.Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/Archives/V315/v3152.pdf, (3)5, (15 pages)
Ricci. C., & Simpson, K. (2008).Starting a school.Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved April 29, 2008, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/PDF/v221.pdf, (2)4, (20 pages)
Ricci. C. (2008).Open Universities: You do not need a high school diploma to get into university.Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved January 25, 2008, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/PDF/v211.pdf. , (2)3, (16 pages)
Ricci. C. (2007, March). Are important and authentic teachers members of our family? Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved March 10, 2007, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/v211.pdf. , (1)2, (7 Pages)
Ricci, C. (2007). Redefining Success. Paideusis. Retrieved May 22, 2007, from http://journals.sfu.ca/paideusis/index.php/paideusis/article/viewFile/9…, (16)1, pp.47-53.
Ricci. C. & Hill. L. (2007, March). Apprenticeships: When schooling means more than doing. Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved March 10, 2007, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/V1N1/PDF/Apprenticeships.pdf. (1)1, (12 Pages)
Ricci, C., & Magnani, S. (2006, December).Ontario’s turnaround program: Welcomed support or unwanted demoralizing insult? Canadian and International Education, 35(2). (28 pages)
Ricci, C., & Berger, E. (2005, Summer). Exams and the learning environment. Encounter Education for Meaning and Social Justice, 18(2), 45-47.
Ricci, C. (2005, April 1). W/righting schools: A plan for action. Checkmark. Retrieved April 1, 2005, fromhttp://www.nipissingu.ca/upld/checkmark/
Ricci. C. (2005, April). Rewarding the obedient: What is really being taught at the faculties of education? An experiential account. Journal of Pre-service Education. Retrieved November 1, 2005, fromhttp://www.nipissingu.ca/jpe/Vol1-No3.cfm
Ricci, C. (2004, October-December). The case against standardized testing and the call for a revitalization of democracy. The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 26(4), 339-361.
Ricci, C. (2002). What to teach? How to teach? Curriculum, ethics, Freire, and the teaching of English. English Quarterly, 34(1), 58-63.
Ricci, C. (2002, Spring). The ethics of reading: Freire, literacy, democracy, and McDonald’s. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 18(1), 143-155.
Refereed Journals Edited
Ricci. C. (2010). Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved May 10, 2010, http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/NewIssue/new_issue.asp., (4)8.
Ricci. C. (2010). Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved April 10, 2010, http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/NewIssue/new_issue.asp., (4)7.
Ricci. C. (2009). Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved April 10, 2010, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/Archives/Vol3No2Is6.asp., (3)6.
Ricci. C. (2009). Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved June 10, 2009, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/Archives/Vol3No1Is5.asp., (3)5.
Ricci. C. (2008). Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved June 10, 2009, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/Archives/Vol2No2Is4.asp., (2)4.
Ricci. C. (2008). Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved June 10, 2009, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/Archives/Vol2No1Is3.asp., (2)3.
Ricci. C. (2007). Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved June 10, 2009, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/Archives/Vo1No2Is2.asp., (1)2.
Ricci. C. (2007). Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Retrieved June 10, 2009, from http://www.nipissingu.ca/jual/Archives/Vol1No1Is1.asp., (1)1.
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Abstracts and/or Papers Read
Ricci, C. (2011, March). Love and learning. Presented at Arizona State University. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2011, February). Holistic education and trusting children. Presented for the Holistic Educators Group at OISE/ UofT University. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2011, January). Education for social change. Presented at Brock University. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2011, January). Finding your authentic voice. Presented at Nipissing University Brantford Campus. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2011, January). The willed curriculum. Presented at Nipissing University Brantford Campus. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2011, April). Storying the Impact of an i-Pod Touch on Child Numeracy and Literacy. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, Louisiana).
Ricci, C. (2011, March). Learning, curriculum, and the iPod Touch. Paper presented at the Micrcomputers in Education Conference (Phoenix, Arizona).
Ricci, C. (2010, October). What does curriculum mean at a Sudbury School. Hosted by Reach Sudbury School of Toronto. Presented at Frankland Community Center, Toronto. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2010, September). Building community. Hosted by Reach Sudbury School of Toronto. Presented at Ralph Thorton Center, Toronto. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2010, September). Putting the learner first. Presented at Nipissing University Brantford Campus. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2010, September). No diploma, no problem: Getting into post-secondary with a non-traditional background. Hosted by Reach Sudbury School of Toronto. Presented at Toronto Buddhist Temple. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2010, November). What is creativity and imagination? Presented at the Imagination and Creativity in Education Conference at Nipissing University, North Bay Campus.
Ricci, C. (2010, September). Unschooling and holistic education. Presented at The holistic families conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Ricci, C. (2010, June). Democratic child rearing pratices and homeschooling. Presented at The Ontario Early Years Centre. (Solicited)
Ricci, C. (2010, April). Unschooling and homeschooling. Presented at Arizona State University. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2010, January). Learner centered democratic alternatives. Presented at Nipissing University Brantford Campus. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2009, November, 4). Widening the circle: Unschooling and freeschooling. Paper presented atSeminario Educación en Ciencias Sociales 2009 (Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Instituto de la Educación—invited virtual presentation).
Ricci, C. (2009, October 23-25). Soulful spaces: Unschooling and freeschooling. Paper presented at Holistic Learning: Breaking New Ground 2009 (University of Waterloo, OISE University of Toronto).
Ricci, C. (2009, October 2-4). Learning to read naturally. Paper presented at Toronto Unschooling Conference 2009.
Ricci, C. (2009, September). Unschooling as a holistic practice. Presented at The holistic families conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Ricci, C. (2009, September). Democratic child rearing pratices. Presented at The Ontario Early Years Centre. (Solicited)
Ricci, C. (2009, September 24-26). Trusting Children: Unschooling and freeschooling. Paper presented at Landscapes of Learning: A Transdisciplinary Conversation in Contemporary Education (Wilfred Laurier University—Brantford Campus).
Ricci, C. (2009, September 13-15). Unschooling is about trusting children. Paper presented at Holistic Families Conference (Niagara Falls Ontario).
Eicci, C., & Price, J. (2009, May). Teacher education and laptop programs. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (Carlton University, Ottawa).
Ricci, C., & Tedesco, S. (2009, Aril). Using technology to inspire creativity. Presented at the Imagination and Creativity in Education Conference at Nipissing University, North Bay Campus.
Ricci, C. (2009, Aril). Creating environments that inspire creativity and imagination. Presented at the Imagination and Creativity in Education Conference at Nipissing University, North Bay Campus.
Ricci, C. (2009, February). Homeschooling your children. Presented at The Ontario Early Years Centre. (Solicited)
Ricci, C. (2009, January 15). Cultivating a self-directed learning environment at home. Presented at Lady Evelyn Alternative Public School in Ottawa. (Invited—keynote/Panel)
Ricci, C. (2008, October). Unschooling and teaching. Presented at Nipissing University Brantford Campus. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2008, October). Empowering children and teachers. Presented at Nipissing University Brantford Campus. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2008, September 18). Empowering and trusting children. Presented at The Homeschool Network (Burlington, On).
Ricci, C. (2008, August 11-18). Unschooling Ourselves and our Children. Presented at the 2008 International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC--Vancouver).
Ricci, C. (2008, May 9-11). Freedom: Children are capable. Presented at the 2008 Unschooling Conference. (Invited--keynote)
Ricci, C. (2008, May 3). Unschooling and trusting young people. Presented at the 2008 Toronto homeschooling Conference (Diversity in education) hosted by the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents. (Invited-- Keynote)
Ricci, C. (2008, February). EQAO and beyond. Presented at York University. (Invited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2007, October). Alternative schooling: unschooling and how the Sudbury Valley School philosophy does/does not mesh with those ideas). (Solicited) Presented at the Beach School
Ricci, C. (2007, October). Healing from schooling. Paper presented at the Holistic Education Conference, OISE, UT.
Ricci, C. (2007, May). Learning from Children. Presented at the Toronto Unschooling Conference. (Solicited--Keynote)
Ricci, C. (2007, April). Homeschooling in Ontario. Presented at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2007, February). What can we do to challenge EQAO? Presented at the Elementary Teachers of Toronto Federation Day at Pape Avenue Public School. (Solicited)
Ricci, C. (2007, February). EQAO and alternative schooling. Presented at York University. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2006, May). Keynote address: Redefining success. Paper presented at Ministry of Education/Faculties of Education Forum 2006.
Ricci, C., & Joong, P. (2006, May). The punished cohort. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education.
Ricci, C. (2006, April). Schooling vs. Education. Paper presented at Guangxi University in Nanning, China.
Ricci, C. (2006, February). Breaking the silence: EQAO testing. Presented at York University. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C. (2005, October). Karl Marx. Presented at Nipissing University North Bay Campus. (Solicited—guest lecture)
Ricci, C., & Taylor, S. (2005, May). Ontario high stakes testing: Anxieties and frustrations. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education.
Ricci, C. (2005, April). How schools interfere with learning literacy, and why at risk students will not catch-up until we seriously rethink schooling. Paper presented at the Checkmark conference.
Ricci, C. (2005, June). Teacher education: How faculty can create democratic learner centered spaces. Presented at the Alternative Education Resource Organization conference.
Ricci, C. (2005, June). How to help students in our university classrooms heal from their schooling experiences. Presented at the Alternative Education Resource Organization conference.
Ricci, C. (2004, April). The erosion of democracy in education. Presented at the University of Beau in Cameroon.
Ricci, C. (2004, April). The negative impact of standardized testing in both Ontario and Cameroon: A comparison. Presented at the University of Beau in Cameroon.
Ricci, C. (2004, May). Reading theory. Presented at the Checkmark conference.
Ricci, C. (2004, May). Reading beyond books. Paper presented at the Checkmark conference.
Ricci, C. (2002, May). The negative impact of standardized testing. Paper presented at the Checkmark conference.
Technical Reports
Ricci, C., & OFTP. (2007, April). Administrative procedures-- Homeschooling. Presented to the Grand Erie District School Board.
Ricci, C., & OFTP. (2007, April). Educational Concerns—CAS. Presented to the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Children and Youth Services.
Ricci, C., & Metherel, A. (2005, March). Proposal: Provisional certificates. Presented to the Ontario Ministry of Education.
Others (workshops presented)
Ricci, C. (2011, April 29). Are students prepared for Post Secondary? Presented at the 2011 HOBY Leadership Seminar. (Invited— workshops and Panel with a TVDSB Superintendent, a former trustee of TVDSB, President of the Ontario Student Trustee Association)
Ricci, C. (2010, April 30). Are students prepared to pick a stream? Presented at the 2009 HOBY Leadership Seminar. (Invited— workshops and Panel with a TVDSB Superintendent, a former trustee of TVDSB, President of the Ontario Student Trustee Association)
Ricci, C. (2009, October 2-4). Your burning unschooling questions. Presented at Toronto Unschooling Conference 2009.
Ricci, C. (2009, May 1). Pursuing college or university education. Are students prepared to make that decision? Presented at the 2009 HOBY Leadership Seminar. (Invited— workshops and Panel with a TVDSB Superintendent, a former trustee of TVDSB, President of the Ontario Student Trustee Association)
Ricci, C. (2008, August 11-18). Publishing in the Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning. Presented at the 2008 International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC--Vancouver).
Ricci, C. (2008, August 11-18). Questions and Discussions on Alternative Schooling. Presented at the 2008 International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC--Vancouver).
Ricci, C. (2008, May 9-11). Your Burning Unschooling Questions. Presented at the 2008 Unschooling Conference. (Invited-- Roundtable)
Ricci, C. (2008, May 3). Unschooling. Presented at the 2008 Toronto homeschooling Conference (Diversity in education) hosted by the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents. (Invited-- roundtable)
Ricci, C. (2008, May 3). Roundtable Discussion. Presented at the 2008 Toronto homeschooling Conference (Diversity in education) hosted by the Ontario Federation of Teaching Parents. (Invited-- roundtable)
Ricci, C. (2008, May 1). Is our education system failing our students? Presented at the 2008 HOBY Leadership Seminar. (Invited—Workshops and Panel with President of OSSTF, a former trustee of TVDSB, President of the Ontario Student Trustee Association)
Ricci, C. (2008, May 1). Is our education system failing our students? Presented at the 2008 HOBY Leadership Seminar. (Invited-- Workshop)
Non-refereed Papers/Articles
Ricci. C. (2010, October). Unschooling: A gentle approach. Cooperative catalyst: Changing education as we speak, AE(1), 70-76. Retrieved October 9, 2010, http://coopcatalyst.wordpress.com/2010/10/08/unschooling-a-gentle-appro…
Ricci, C. (2009-10, Winter). Foreword to Einstein and zen: Learning to learn by Conrad P. Pritscher. Education Revolution: The Magazine of Alternative Education, 21(4) #59, 23-25. (note: this the same foreword referenced above under Book Chapters that was reprinted here with permission—see above)
Ricci. C. (2010, January). Intrafamily differences. E-journal of Alternative Education, AE(1), 70-76. Retrieved February 1, 2010, from http://alternatifegitimdernegi.org.tr/eng/derging.pdf
Ricci, C. (2010). Regulating homsschooling. National Home Education Research Institute.
Ricci, C. (2009, August). Full day kindergarten reconsidered. Home Rules, 14(4) p. 4.
Ricci, C. (2009, Summer). The power of choice. Education Revolution: The Magazine of Alternative Education, 21(2) #57, 11-13.
Ricci, C. (2009, June).Trust: rethinking our child rearing. Home Rules, 14(3) p. 3.
Ricci, C. (2009, Summer). Why school parent councils should not be fundraising and what they should be doing instead Our Schools/Our Selves, 17(3) #91, 73-84.
Ricci, C. (2009, April).Working with OFTP. Home Rules, 14(2) pp. 1,2,3.
Ricci. C. (2009, February). Printing numbers, free time and play. Self Directed Learning. Retrieved February 13, 2009, from http://selfdirectedlearning.com/guestarticle2.html (Note: this is a shorter version of the same article published at http://www.unschooling.ca/carloricci080628.htm)
Ricci. C. (2008, September). Printing numbers, free time and play. Unschooling Canada. Retrieved September 1, 2008, from http://www.unschooling.ca/carloricci080628.htm
Ricci, C. (2008, June). Make your bed? Home Rules, 13(3) pp. 1,6.
Ricci, C. & Kingston, K. (2008, Spring). Literacy turnaround project: A flawed approach. Our Schools/Our Selves, 17(3) #91, 73-84.
Ricci, C. (2008, Spring). Exploring my own time in school. Education Revolution: The Magazine of Alternative Education, 20(1) #52, 12.
Ricci, C. (2007, Fall). Learner centered democratic alternative. Our Schools/Our Selves.
Ricci, C. (2007, October). E-Learning in Ontario. Home Rules, 12(3) pp. 1-3.
Ricci, C. (2007, August). Kindergarten Lemonade. Home Rules, 12(4) pp. 6-7.
Ricci, C. (2007, June). An attempt to provoke: Should all forms of homeschooling be equally valued. Home Rules, 12(3) pp. 1-3.
Ricci, C. & Whittington, P. (2007, Spring). EQAO’s grade six standardized assessment: What does this have to do with learning? Our Schools/Our Selves, 16(3) #87, 61-71.
Ricci, C. (2007, May/June). The Value of Unstructured free play. Life Learning: Homeschooling, Self-Directed Learning, Distance Education, pp. 22-24.
Ricci, C. (2007, February). Unschooling my teaching. Home Rules, 12(1) pp. 8-11.
Ricci, C. (2006, September/October). Thanks for the trust. Life Learning: Homeschooling, Self-Directed Learning, Distance Education, pp. 22-25.
Ricci, C. (2006, Fall). 2006 Is junk food really banned in elementary schools or have we been had, again? Our Schools/Our Selves, 14(1) #85, 37-41.
Ricci, C. & Peddle, D. (2006, July/August). More to learning than schooling. Life Learning: Homeschooling, Self-Directed Learning, Distance Education, pp. 16-20.
Ricci, C. (2006, May/June). Always learning. Life Learning: Homeschooling, Self-Directed Learning, Distance Education, pp. 11-17.
Ricci, C. (2005, Summer). 2005 EQAO scores up, artificially?.Our Schools/Our Selves, 14(4) #80, 75-81.
Ricci, C. (2006). [Review of the book Rethinking the SAT: The Future of Standardized Testing in University Admissions]. Journal of Educational Thought, 40(2). 460-463.
Ricci, C. (in press). [Review of the book Action for Social Justice in Education: Fairly Different]. Interchange.
Ricci, C. (2005). [Review of the book What to do? Case studies for educators]. McGill Journal of Education.
Ricci, C. (2004, Fall). From invention to reality: Our educational crisis and a call for action. Nipissing Review, 10(2), 7.
Ricci, C., & Taylor. S. (2004, Fall). Challenging the validity of standardized testing. Our Schools/Our Selves, 14(1) #77, 63-73.
Ricci, C. (2004, September 27). Let’s get rid of the other half. The Toronto Star, p. A23.
Ricci, C. (2004, Winter). Breaking the silence: A marker speaks out against standardized testing. Our Schools/Our Selves, 13(2) #74, 75-88.
Ricci, C. (2003). Ontario’s new grade 10 literary test, $21 million mistake. The Nugget.
Ricci, C. (2003). The erosion of democracy in our schools. The Nugget.
Ricci, C., Siconolfi, R., & Tedesco, S. (2010). Mathew Davis on unschooling [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 8, 2010, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/0/y8wftcGid0c
Ricci, C., Siconolfi, R., & Tedesco, S. (2010). Dr. Ron Miller on unschooling [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 8, 2010, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/1/tQUx1LWzPNw
Ricci, C., Siconolfi, R., & Tedesco, S. (2010). Pat Farenga on unschooling [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 8, 2010, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/2/tl-A21hFaF0
Ricci, C., Siconolfi, R., & Tedesco, S. (2010). Dr. Kellie Rolstad on unschooling [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 8, 2010, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/3/rln6YvyOnZI
Ricci, C., Siconolfi, R., & Tedesco, S. (2010). Jerry Mintz on unschooling [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 8, 2010, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/4/ZB2y3rx_vUY
Ricci, C., Siconolfi, R., & Tedesco, S. (2010). John Taylor Gatto on unschooling: Part 2 [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 8, 2010, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/5/NhbPtJsFxO0
Ricci, C., Siconolfi, R., & Tedesco, S.. (2010). John Taylor Gatto on unschooling: Part 1 [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 8, 2010, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/6/N1xuXomtZr4
Ricci, C. (2008). How to apply to homeschool: Part 1 [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved March 29, 2009, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88qgDrNBbFU&feature=channel_page
Ricci, C. (2008). How to apply to homeschool: Part 2 [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved March 29, 2009, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lha0yzSRT0c&feature=channel_page
Ricci, C., & Tedesco, S. (2008). Holt and learning all the time [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved March 29, 2009, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/9/8WawoFDa56A
Ricci, C. (2008). Enjoy the battle [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved March 29, 2009, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/10/cG_Xfy2aulI
Ricci, C. (2008). Dewey vs Holt [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved March 29, 2009, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/11/UF1FZQb5Q6o
Ricci, C. (2008). Schools and obedience [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved March 29, 2009, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/12/TxO_RcZy2wU
Ricci, C. (2008). Thoughts for teachers and professors [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/13/H-SzESVd1cw
Ricci, C. (2008). Thoughts for parents [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/14/5tEB6fkrk9Y
Ricci, C. (2008). Why this channel? [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/15/YT55Mylhhaw
Ricci, C. (2008). How schools oppress children [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQzE2veImRk
Ricci, C. (2008). Unschooling and curriculum [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGmLRZIaYbQ
Ricci, C. (2008). Socio-Economic implications of schooling [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEjzuX2gWNw
Ricci, C. (2008). How schools oppress adults [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/UnschoolingChannel#p/u/16/kQzE2veImRk
Ricci, C. (2008). How schools are failing [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1297NTT-8I
Ricci, C. (2008). Removing school labels [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwHNmVH1uTk
Ricci, C. (2008). Unschooling and getting into post secondary education [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD5bnyDWLP8
Ricci, C. (2008). Revealing the myths of schooling [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUAsjBlLgSs
Ricci, C. (2008). Learning to read [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DICutqGTAwk
Ricci, C. (2008). Introduction to unschooling [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8MqVPaVNYo
Ricci, C. (2008). How schools over-complicate writing [Internet Youtube video]. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ9wO3X1aM8