Dr. Jeff Dech

Areas of Specialization:
Forest ecology; community ecology; dendrochronology; ecological modeling; silviculture.
Research Interests:
Growth and yield modeling, predictive habitat modeling of understorey species, forest disturbance and stand dynamics; forest productivity and ecological land classification; prediction of wood quality attributes; community dynamics; Boreal and Great Lakes – St. Lawrence forests.
Current & Future Research:
- Capturing site effects in boreal forest growth and yield models at the ecosite-level.
- Diversity and stability relationships in dry forests of the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Forest Region.
- Distribution, abundance and regeneration of Canada Yew (Taxus canadensis) in the Boreal and Great Lakes – St Lawrence forests.
- Black Ash stand dynamics and regeneration in the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence forest region.
- Predictive modeling of wood fibre attributes in boreal species based on ecological site classification and other forest inventory variables.
Springer, A., and Dech, J.P. 2021. Regeneration of black ash (Fraxinus nigra Marsh.) in hardwood swamps of the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Forest Region. Forestry Chronicle 97(3): 1-16.
Nicholas C. Coops, Alexis Achim, Paul Arp, Christopher William Bater, John P. Caspersen, Jean-Francois Cote, Jeffery P. Dech, Adam Dick, Karin van Ewijk, Richard A. Fournier, Tristan R.H. Goodbody, Chris R. Hennigar, Antoine Leboeuf, Olivier R. van Lier, Joan E Luther, David Andrew MacLean, Grant McCartney, Gaetan Pelletier, Jean-Francois Prieur, Piotr Tompalski, Paul M. Treitz, Joanne C. White, Murray Woods. In Press. Advancing the application of remote sensing for forest information needs in Canada: Lessons learned from a national collaboration of university, industrial and government stakeholders. Forestry Chronicle 97(2): 109-126.
Nicholas C. Coops, Alexis Achim, Paul Arp, Christopher William Bater, John P. Caspersen, Jean-Francois Cote, Jeffery P. Dech, Adam Dick, Karin van Ewijk, Richard A. Fournier, Tristan R.H. Goodbody, Chris R. Hennigar, Antoine Leboeuf, Olivier R. van Lier, Joan E Luther, David Andrew MacLean, Grant McCartney, Gaetan Pelletier, Jean-Francois Prieur, Piotr Tompalski, Paul M. Treitz, Joanne C. White, Murray Woods. In Press. Progrès dans l’application de la télédétection pour les besoins en matière d’information sur les forêts au Canada : leçons tirées d’une collaboration nationale d’intervenants universitaires, industriels et gouvernementaux. Forestry Chronicle.97(2): 127-147.
Shi, L.; Li, G.; Liu, H.; Dech, J.P.; Zhou, M.; Zhao, P.; Ren, Z. 2020. Dendrochronological Reconstruction of June Drought (PDSI) from 1731–2016 for the Western Mongolian Plateau. Atmosphere, 11, 839.
Wylie, R.R., Woods, M.E.; Dech, J.P. 2019. Estimating Stand Age from Airborne Laser Scanning Data to Improve Models of Black Spruce Wood Density in the Boreal Forest of Ontario. Remote Sensing, 11, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11172022.
Shi,L., Dech, J.P., Yao, H., Zhao, P., Shu, Y., and Zhou, M. 2019. The effects of Nitrogen addition on dissolved carbon in boreal forest soils of northeast of China. Scientific Reports. 9(8274): 1-9. DOI https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-44796-x
Shi, L, Dech, JP, Liu, H, Zhao, P, Bayin, D, Zhou, M. 2019. Post‐fire vegetation recovery at forest sites is affected by permafrost degradation in the Da Xing'an Mountains of northern China. J Veg Sci. 00: 1– 10. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.12780
Ehnes M., Dech J. P., and Foote J. R. 2018. Seasonal changes in acoustic detection of forest birds. Journal of Ecoacoustics. 2: #QVDZO7.https://doi.org/10.22261/JEA.QVDZO7
Paulin, A., Nadeau, J., and Dech, J.P. 2018. Place and certification cue usage with Canadian forest products. The International Review of Retail Distribution and Consumer Research. (DOI: 10.1080/09593969.2017.1364657).
Costanza, Kara K.L., Livingston, William H., Kashian, Daniel M., Slesak, Robert A., Tardif, Jacques C., Dech, Jeffrey P., Diamond, Allaire K., Daigle, John J., Ranco, Darren J., Neptune, Jennifer S., Benedict, Les, Fraver, Shawn R., Reinikainen, Michael, Siegert, Nathan W. 2017.The Precarious State of a Cultural Keystone Species: Tribal and Biological Assessments of the Role and Future of Black Ash. Journal of Forestry. (doi: https://doi.org/10.5849/jof.2016-034R1)
Pokharel, B., Groot, A., Pitt, D.G., Woods, M., and Dech, J.P. 2016. Predictive modeling of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) wood density using stand structure variables derived from airborne LiDAR data in boreal forests of Ontario. Forests, 7:311 (doi:10.3390/f7120311).
Zeng, N., Yao, H., Zhou, M., Zhao, P., Dech, J.P., Zhang, B., and Lu, X. 2016. Species-specific determinants of mortality and recruitment in the forest-steppe ecotone of northeast China. The Forestry Chronicle. 92: 336-344.
Arthur, C. M. and Dech, J. P. 2016. Species composition determines resistance to drought in dry forests of the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence forest region of central Ontario. Journal of Vegetation Science. 27: 914–925.
Townshend, E., Pokharel, B., Groot , A., Pitt, D., Dech, J.P. 2015. Modeling Wood Fibre Length in Black Spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) Based on Ecological Land Classification. Forests. 6:3369-3394.
Pokharel, B., Dech, J.P., Groot, A., and Pitt, D. 2014. Ecosite-based predictive modeling of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) wood quality attributes in boreal Ontario. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44:465-475.
Dech, J.P., Mayhew-Hammond, S., James, A.L., and Pokharel, B. 2014. Modelling Canada Yew (Taxus canadensis Marsh.) distribution and abundance in the boreal forest of northeastern Ontario. Ecological Indicators 36:48-58.
Lacey, M.E., and Dech, J.P. 2012. The response of Black Spruce (Picea mariana) to spruce budworm outbreaks across a soil moisture regime gradient in the boreal forest of northeastern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 1410-1419.
Pokharel, B., and Dech. J.P. 2012. Mixed-effects basal area increment models for tree species in the boreal forest of Ontario, Canada using and ecological land classification approach to incorporate site effects. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research. 85: 255-270.
Pokharel, B., Dech, J.P., and Uhlig, P. 2012. A tool for converting forest ecosystem classifications for permanent or temporary growth plots into the new provincial Ecological Land Classification system in the boreal regions of Ontario. The Forestry Chronicle. 88: 49-59.
Dech, J.P.2011. Finding the way forward in the new forest bioeconomy. The Forestry Chronicle 87: 3-5.
Pokharel, B., and Dech, J.P., 2011. An ecological land classification approach to modeling the production of forest biomass. The Forestry Chronicle 87: 23-32.
Quint, T.C., and Dech, J.P., 2010. Allometric models for predicting the aboveground biomass of Canada Yew (Taxus canadensis Marsh.) from visual and digital cover estimates. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40: 2003-2014.
Maun, M.A., Dech, J.P., Wiklund, J.A. Martin, R.R., and Schincariol, R.R. 2010. Environmental gradients in the water and sediments of the Old Ausable River Channel. pp.25-41 In Maun, M.A. and Schincariol, R.A. (Editors) “Impacts of Water Diversion on Biotic Communities of a River in a Dune Watershed.” National Research Council of Canada Research Press, Ottawa, Ontario. (ISBN 978-0-660-19942-9)
Maun, M.A., Dech, J.P., and Wiklund, J.A. 2010. Zonation of plant community composition along enviornmental gradients in the Old Ausable River Channel. pp. 43-59 In Maun, M.A. and Schincariol, R.A. (Editors) “Impacts of Water Diversion on Biotic Communities of a River in a Dune Watershed.” National Research Council of Canada Research Press, Ottawa, Ontario. (ISBN 978-0-660-19942-9)
Maun, M.A., Schincariol, R.A., Dech, J.P., Wiklund, J.A., Dewdney, A.K., and Barrett, J.N. 2010. General Summary. pp. 87-92 In Maun, M.A. and Schincariol, R.A. (Editors) “Impacts of Water Diversion on Biotic Communities of a River in a Dune Watershed.” National Research Council of Canada Research Press, Ottawa, Ontario. (ISBN 978-0-660-19942-9)
Dech, J.P. 2009. Adventitious root production in woody plants of coastal dune ecosystems: selective pressures, adaptations and potential applications. pp. 385-408 In Niemi, K., and Scagel, C. (Editors), Adventitious Root Formation in Forest Trees and Horticultural Plants - From Genes to Applications. Research Signpost (ISBN: 978-81-308-0342-5).
Dech, J.P., Robinson, L.M., and Nosko, P. 2008. Understorey plant community characteristics and natural hardwood regeneration under three partial harvest treatments applied in a Quercus rubra L. (northern red oak) stand in the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Forest region of Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 760-773.
Dech, J.P. and Maun, M.A. 2006. The ecological significance of sand burial to trees and shrubs on coastal sand dunes at Pinery Provincial Park. In: Nelson, G., Nudds, T., Beveridge, M., Dempster, B., Lefler, L., and Zajc, E. (Editors), “Protected Areas and Species and Ecosystems at Risk: Research and Planning Challenges”. Proceedings of the Parks Research Forum of Ontario (PRFO) and Carolinian Canada Coalition (CCC) Annual General Meeting, May 5-7, 2005. University of Guelph. pp 309-319.
Dech, J.P., and Maun, M.A. 2006. Adventitious root production and plastic resource allocation to biomass determine burial tolerance in woody plants from central Canadian coastal dunes. Annals of Botany 98: 1095-1105.
Dech, J.P., and Maun, M.A. 2005. Zonation of vegetation along a burial gradient on the leeward slopes of Lake Huron sand dunes. Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 227-236.
Dech, J.P., Maun, M.A., and Pazner, M.I. 2005. Blowout dynamics on Lake Huron sand dunes:analysis of digital multispectral data from colour airphotos. Catena 60: 165-180.
Dech, J.P., and Nosko, P. 2004. Rapid growth and early flowering in an invasive plant (Lythrum salicaria L.), during an El Nino spring. International Journal of Biometeorology 49: 26-31.
Dech, J.P., and Nosko, P. 2002. Population establishment, dispersal and impact of Galerucella pusilla and G. calmariensis, introduced to control purple loosestrife in central Ontario. Biological Control. 23: 228-236.