Dr. Terry Campbell

Areas of Specialization:
Literacy Teacher Education, Children’s Literature; Early and Emergent Literacies;
Multiple Ways of Knowing
Research Interests:
Two research strands, teacher development (including my own) and classroom research guide my past and current research interests.
I am interested in questions that arise in my classroom at the Schulich School of Education as teacher candidates embark on this journey called teaching. I am also interested in what it means in both theoretical and practical terms, for my colleagues and me to be teacher educators in a university. Finally, I am interested in current classroom practice; in particular, in literacy teaching and learning, and how theory-into-practice and practice-into-theory connections find their ways into the schools.
Specific research endeavours include:Evaluation projects for The Learning Partnership focusing on early learning and the Welcome to Kindergarten initiative in the North Bay area.
Classroom research for the Ministry of Education and local school boards, including a two-year study of digital storytelling in a junior level classroom.
Exploration of creative expression, such as storytelling, drama, and poetry as ways of both knowing and expressing knowledge. Past projects include investigating the connections between storytelling and story writing in the elementary classroom, as well as oral language strategies that enhance literacy learning. Finally: writing about my own development as a teacher educator, a co-researcher, and a colleague along with other teacher educators.
Reviewed Books
Campbell, T., McMartin, M. (2017). Literacy out loud: Creating vibrant classrooms where “talk” is the springboard for all learning. Markham, On: Pembroke Publishing.
Parr, M. & Campbell, T. (2012). Balanced literacy essentials: Weaving theory into practice for successful instruction in reading, writing, and talk, Markham, ON: Pembroke Publishers
Refereed Articles, Books, Book Chapters, and Reviews
Campbell, T. & McMartin, M. (2021). Self-portrait Storytelling: Building community and identity. English 4-11: Published by the English Association and The United Kingdom Literacy Association. Spring, 2021.
Campbell, T. (2021). Using the principles of pedagogical documentation in the context of online learning and teaching. Proceedings of EduLearn21 Conference, Valencia, Spain. July, 2021. ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2.
Campbell, T. (2018). Why multimodal literacy matters: (Re)conceptualizing literacy and wellbeing through singing-infused multimodal, intergenerational curricula. By Rachel Heydon & Susan O’Neill (2016). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. Review for International Review of Education, (), 1-3. doi:10.1007/s11159-017-9699-1
Campbell, T. (2017). Verbal protocols in literacy research: Nature of global reading development. By Susan E. Israel. Routledge, New York and London, Review for International Review of Education, 63, pp. 141-143.
Campbell, T. (2017). Using Provocative Picture Books to Inspire Talking and Writing. Proceedings: 20th European Conference on Literacy, Madrid.
Campbell, T., Brownlee, A., & Renton, C. (2016). Pedagogical documentation: Opening windows onto learning. What Works? Research Into Practice. Toronto, ON: Literacy & Numeracy Secretariat.
http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/inspire/research/ww_pedag… oc.pdf
Campbell, T. & Hlusek, M. (2015). Storytelling for Fluency and Flair : A Performance-Based Approach. The Reading Teacher, 69(2), 157-161. doi:10.1002/trtr.1384
Campbell, T. (2015). Digital Storytelling in a Middle Level Classroom: Traveling Down a Bumpy Road. In K. Malu & M.B. Schaefer (Eds.), Research on Teaching and Learning with the Literacies of Young Adolescents (pp. 119-147). Information Age Publishing: Charlotte, NC. Vol. 10 in the series The Handbook of Research in Middle Level Education, S. B. Mertens & M.M. Caskey (Eds.) Endorsed by the Middle Level Education Research Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association.
Parr, M. & Campbell, T. (2015). Mobilizing Research into Practice in Meaningful Ways. What Works? Research into Practice. Toronto, ON: Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat.http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/inspire/research/WW_Mobil…
Campbell, T. & Parr, M. (2013). Mapping today’s literacy landscapes: Navigational tools and practices for the journey. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 57(2), 131–140.
Parr, M., & Campbell, T. (2012). Understanding literacy as our W.O.R.L.D. inheritance: Re-visioning literacy discourse and its implications for teaching practice, International Review of Education, 58, 557-574, DOI: 10.1007/s11159-012-9297-1.
Parr, M., & Campbell, T. (2012). Using story as sites of dialogue, disillusionment, and development of dispositions to support inclusive education, Creative Education, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2012.33054.
Campbell, T. & Parr, M. (2012). Writing as literacy journey: Deconstructing and re-visioning our literacy stories, International Journal of Learning, 18(7), 187-198.
Parr, M., Campbell, T., & Richardson, C. (2011). Paying exquisite attention to communication: Engaging in impassioned conversation instead of hearing polite applause, Reflective Practice. 2011.626027. 1-15. Online:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2011.626027
Campbell, T. (2011). Learning to the power of 2: Teacher and learners together using digital storytelling, Conference Proceeding, Empowerment through literacy: Literacy Shaping Futures, 47th International Conference, United Kingdom Literacy Association, The University of Chester, England.
Parr, M, & Campbell, T. (2011). Educating for identity: Problematizing and unpacking our literacy pasts, In Press, Alberta Journal of Education, Volume 57(3)
Campbell, T., Elliott-Johns, S.E., & Wideman, R. (2010). Programs, Partnership, and Priorities: Promoting early learning through local leadership. Journal of Authentic Leadership in Education. Volume 1 (4), 1-8.
Campbell, T., & Parr, M. (2010). Literacies and multiliteracies: Navigating our way to expanded conceptions of literacy, The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities, and Nations, Vol. 10(2), 331-339.
Campbell, T., Parr, M., & Richardson, C. (2009). From implicit intention to exquisite expression: Finding metaphors for who we are and what we do, Journal of Transformative Education, 7(3) 209-229.
Campbell, T., & Parr, M. New literacies for new readers: A ‘four resources’ model for multi-dimensional, multi-tasking readers, Conference Proceeding, 16th European Conference on Literacy, Braga, Portugal, July, 2009
Campbell, T. & Hlusek, M. (2009). Storytelling and story writing: Using a different kind of pencil. What works? Research into practice (Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, in print, October, 2009 issue, and online www.edu.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/inspire/research/WhatWorks.html . Also published as Research Monograph #02, Spotlight: Research into Practice. Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, Australia. November, 2010.www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/edulibrary/public/teachlearn/student/vlnsresmono0…
Campbell, T. (2009). Getting up near the teacher: Teaching from who I am, in W. Richardson & C. Richardson (Eds.), Walking the Talk. Calgary, AB: Destselig.
Parr, M., & Campbell, T. (2008). Lit-folios: Pre-service teachers practice as readers, writers, and literacy teachers, The Reading Professor, Volume 30(2), 12-18.
Parr, M., & Campbell, T. (2008). Reading Lolita: A dialogic encounter with self and others, Language and Literacy, Vol. 10(2),http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/langandlit/article/view/…
Richardson, C., Parr, M., & Campbell, T. (2008). Solitary dissonance and collaborative consonance: Trialogue as a reflective practice that resonates, Reflective Practice, Issue 9.2, 281-291.
Campbell, T. (2008) Good talk about great literature as a contribution to character development. The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat; online
Parr, M., & Campbell, T. (2007). Teaching the language arts: Engaging literacy practices, Toronto, ON: John Wiley & Sons.
Campbell, T., & Parr, M. (2007). My heart thumps in my ears and my head swims! Drama as reader response: Reducing the risks, The Reading Professor, Volume 28(1), 54-61. (One of four nominated for best article award, 2011, Professors of Reading Teacher Educators, International Reading Association)
Parr, M., & Campbell, T. (2007). Poets in practice, The Reading Teacher, Volume 60(1), 36-46.
Campbell, T., Barber, P. (2003). Raising Readers (Pamphlet for parents)