Dr. Graydon Raymer

Dr. Graydon Raymer portrait
Director, School of Physical and Health Education / Faculty of Education and Professional Studies - Schulich School of Education - Physical and Health Education
Professor / Faculty of Education and Professional Studies - Schulich School of Education - Physical and Health Education
Full-time Faculty
Graduate Program Faculty
BPHE (Honours), Queen's University
BSc, Queen's University
MSc, University of Western Ontario
PhD, University of Western Ontario
Areas of Specialization:

Exercise physiology, cardiovascular physiology, metabolism and biochemistry

Research Interests:

Kinetic modelling of physiological phenomena, pulmonary oxygen uptake response to exercise, heart rate variability, cycling and running exercise

Current & Future Research:

Interactions between the respiratory sinus arrhythmia and the efficiency of pulmonary gas exchange, cardiac output, muscle oxygen consumption, and heart rate variability during exercise in humans (Funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and the Ministry for Research and Innovation, 2011)


McNeil CJ, Raymer GH, Doherty TJ, Marsh GD, and Rice CL. Geometry of a weight-bearing and non-weight bearing bone in the legs of young, old, and very old men. Calcif Tissue Int. 85(1): 22-30, 2009.

Raymer GH, Green HJ, Ranney DA, Marsh GD, and Thompson RT. Muscle metabolism and acid-base status during exercise in forearm work-related myalgia measured with 31P-MRS. J Appl Physiol. 106: 1198-1206, 2009.

Forbes SC, Raymer GH, Kowalchuk JM, Thompson RT and Marsh GD. Effects of recovery time on phosphocreatine kinetics during repeated bouts of heavy-intensity exercise. Eur.J.Appl.Physiol. 103(6): 665-675, 2008.

Raymer GH, Forbes SC, Kowalchuk JM, Thompson RT and Marsh GD. Prior exercise delays the onset of acidosis during incremental exercise. J Appl Physiol 102: 1799-1805, 2007.

Raymer GH, Allman BL, Rice CL, Marsh GD and Thompson RT. Characteristics of a MRcompatible ankle exercise ergometer for a 3.0 T head-only MR scanner. Med Eng Phys 28: 489-494, 2006.

Bartolini ME, Wilson K, Raja M, Raymer GH, Thompson RT, Webber CE and Moran GR. Dual X-ray absorptiometry model for characterizing water in the human forearm using multiple frequency bioimpedance analysis. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 84: 181-193, 2006.

Raja MK, Raymer GH, Moran GR, Marsh G and Thompson RT. Changes in tissue water content measured with multiple-frequency bioimpedance and metabolism measured with 31P-MRS during progressive forearm exercise. J Appl Physiol 101: 1070-1075, 2006.

Forbes SC, Raymer GH, Kowalchuk JM and Marsh GD. NaHCO3-induced alkalosis reduces the phosphocreatine slow component during heavy-intensity forearm exercise. J Appl Physiol 99: 1668-1675, 2005.

Raymer GH, Marsh GD, Kowalchuk JM and Thompson RT. Metabolic effects of induced alkalosis during progressive forearm exercise to fatigue. J Appl Physiol 96: 2050-2056, 2004.