Dr. Sarah Driessens

Sarah’s research explores:
- How critical literacy imaginations support educators and learners in being and becoming thoughtful and committed 21st century citizens.
- The pedagogical frameworks that support educators to lean into the potential discomfort of being an educator for justice.
- The meanings that students take from learning opportunities grounded in social justice, activism, and equity.
Driessens, S., & Parr, M. A. (2020). Re-Writing the Wor(l)d: Quick Writes as a Space for Critical Literacy. The Reading Teacher, 73(4), 415-426
Driessens, S., Scarlett, M., & Parr, M. (2019). Cultivating Critical Literacy Imaginations in Our Selves, Others, and the World. CAP Journal: The Canadian Resource for School Based Leadership, Spring 2019, https://cdnprincipals.com/cultivating-critical-literacy-imaginations-in-our-selves-others-and-the-world/
Driessens, S. (2018). Being and Becoming Critically Imaginative: Exploring Critical Literacy in the Classroom. Nipissing University, North Bay: ON