Dr. Tara-Lynn Scheffel

Areas of Specialization:
Literacy Teacher Education; Literacy Engagement; Community-Based Literacy Initiatives; Early Childhood Learning; Children’s Literature
Research Interests:
My research explores student/literacy engagement, community-based literacy initiatives, early childhood education, and literacy teacher education. As a qualitative researcher, I draw on narrative inquiry and case study primarily, to share practitioner and learner stories within educational research. A recent project brought a group of local educators (K-3) to campus for a full-day professional learning workshop to discuss literacy engagement. My research with teacher candidates aims to strengthen theory-practice connections from their coursework in Language & Literacies and has also provided opportunities to engage in the research process as co-researchers. I continually strive to build professional knowledge and practice through my research, including opportunities to partner with fellow researchers and community members.
Current & Future Research:
Exploring Literacy Teaching and Learning Opportunities within a Summer Literacy Camp; Expanding Conceptualizations of Literacy Engagement: Student and Teacher Perceptions; Intergenerational Learning Opportunities
Scheffel, T. (Forthcoming 2021). A curriculum journey inspired by picturebooks. In C. Shields, A.G. Podolski, & J.J. Guiney Yallop’s Influences and Inspirations in Curriculum Studies and Teaching: Reflections on the Origins and Legacy of Canadian Scholarship. Routledge.
Scheffel, T. & Hives, L., (2021). Shifting mindsets about educating young children. The Learning Professional, 42(2), 26-29.
Hives, L., Scheffel, T., Scott, J., (2020). Developing a relationship with the environment – for the health of it. Green Teacher, 125, 16-21.
Scheffel, T., & McKee, L. (2019). Uniting generations: Intergenerational and universal-themed picturebook recommendations. Journal of Childhood Studies, 44(5), 120-128. https://doi.org/10.18357/jcs00019339
McKee, L. & Scheffel, T. (2019). Learning together: Our reflections on connecting people and practices in intergenerational meaning-making experiences. Journal of Childhood Studies, 44(5), 111-119. https://doi.org/10.18357/jcs00019338
Hives, L., & Scheffel, T. (August 14th, 2019). A day at the beach: deep learning for a child. The Conversation.
Scheffel, T. & Rich, S. (2019). Primary Education: Overview. Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. DOI: 10.5040/9781474209434.0023
Scheffel, T., Hives, L., Steele, A., & Scott, J. (Jan. 31st, 2019). Learning in the snow: how children develop through all-weather outdoor play. The Conversation.
Scheffel, T., Cameron, C., Dolmage, L., Johnston, M., Lapensee, J., Solymar, K., Usher-Speedie, E., & Wills, M. (2018). The Journey of a Collaborative Children’s Literature Book Club for Teacher Candidates. Reading Horizons, 57(1), 1-14.
- Related Teaching Resource:
Scheffel, T. (2018). Excerpt: A Community Reads a Novel. In Booth, D. & Coles, R., What is a “good” teacher? (pp. 125-126). Markham, ON: Pembroke Publishers.
Scheffel, T. (2017). Tell Me With Pictures: Grade Eight Students’ Digital Representations of Engagement in Learning. McGill Journal of Education. 52(3), 719-746.
Scheffel, T. (2016). Individual Paths to Literacy Engagement: Three Portraits Revisited. Brock Journal, 25(2), 53-70.
Scheffel, T. (2016). Becoming Literacy Leaders: Teacher Candidates Initiate a Community-Based Literacy Program. Language and Literacy, 18(1), 130-147.
Scheffel, T. (2015). The Heart of the Matter: Exploring Intergenerational Themes in Children’s Literature. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 13(2). 167-181.
Scheffel, T. (2013). Strategy: Collaborative Reading of a Shared Book: Promoting Family Literacy in the Community. In Booth, D., I've Got Something to Say: How student voices inform our teaching (pp. 116-119). Markham, ON: Pembroke Publishers.
Scheffel, T. (2009, 2013, 2017). Teacher Wisdom: Tara-Lynn Scheffel and Phonics. In Bainbridge, J., Heydon, R., and Malicky, G., Constructing Meaning: Balancing Elementary Language Arts. (5th. Ed.) (p. 298). Toronto, ON: Nelson Education.
Scheffel, T. (2013). Portraits of Home: Working in Community Day Care Homes in New Brunswick. LEARNing Landscapes, 7(1), 283-299.
Scheffel, T. & Booth, D. (2013). Towards Literary Growth and Community Participation: Lessons Learned from a Shared Book Experience in One Northern Ontario Community. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 21(2).
Scheffel, T. (2012). Individual Paths to Literacy Engagement: Three Portraits. Brock Journal, 21(2), pp. 3-21.
Scheffel, T. (2011). Who am I? Who are you? Negotiating a researcher identity. Language and Literacy, 13(2), 54-65.
Hibbert, K., Scheffel, T., Rich, S. & Heydon, R. M. (2011). Orchestrating expertise in reading and writing. Education 3-13, 1-13.
Scheffel, T. (2010). Community Day Care Homes. A Professional Curriculum Pamphlet for the New Brunswick Curriculum Framework for Early Learning and Child Care (English).
Scheffel, T. (2009). Valuing Children’s Roles in Research on Literacy Engagement. In L. Iannacci and P. Whitty (Eds.), Early Childhood Curricula: Reconceputalist Perspectives (pp.143-166). Detselig Press.
Ashton, E., Stewart, K., Hunt, A., Nason, P., Scheffel, T. (2009). Play and Playfulness. A Professional Support Document for the New Brunswick Curriculum Framework for Early Learning and Child Care (English).