Dr. Thomas Ryan

TEACHER ENGAGEMENT, TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION, AND LEADERSHIP IN STEM PEDAGOGY: The goal of the TDSB's STEM strategy is to build capacity among TDSB Kindergarten to Grade 12 educators to enhance their STEM pedagogical knowledge, self-efficacy, and promote STEM implementation in classrooms. A critical factor in enhancing STEM across the Board is teacher engagement. This study examined: (1) teacher cognitive and emotional engagement, (2) social engagement with colleagues, students, and leadership, and (3) teacher engagement with STEM and digital tools. It is suggested the method used to measure teacher engagement in this study will be used in other system wide program implementations across the Board. Click here for the full report (2018).
This report is the result of a collaborative project supported by the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE), Technology and Learning Fund, TDSB Teaching and Learning Department-STEM K-12 and TDSB Research and Information Services.
Click here for the Visual Infographic (2018) of this report.
AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS OF COACHING ON SYSTEM-WIDE STEM IMPLEMENTATION: This exploratory research study focuses on the STEM coaching model and investigates certain effects on teaching and learning using a longitudinal mixed-methods research design. Herein we include brief results from the year one STEM implementation and partial year two quantitative and qualitative data findings. Click here for the full report (2018).
Click here for the Visual Infographic (2018) of this report.
Ryan, T. G. (2018a). Equity in health and physical education programs: An Ontario perspective. International Journal of Physical Education, 55(2), 13–26.
Ryan, T. G. (2018b). Health and physical education can improve the school community. The Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 16 (1), 17-21.
Ryan, T. G. (2018c, April). Educational action research as a global competence in a digital world. Canadian Journal for Teacher Research, 1-8.
Ryan, T.G., & Deuerlein, K. (2018). Revitalizing the Ontario public education system for young English language learners. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 5 (1), 15-36.
Ryan, T., & Marshall, J. (2018). Pedagogical preparedness: Understanding executive functioning and high functioning autism. Journal of Pedagogical Research, 2(2), 91-101.
Ryan, T. G., & Sinay, E. (2018a). Goal setting: Zeroing in on teaching and learning priorities. The Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 17 (1), 31-34.
Ryan, T. G., & Sinay, E. (2018b). Moving from oppression towards anti-oppression in physical education. The Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, 10 (1), 14-19.
Ryan, T. G., & Sinay, E. (2018c). Reforming provincial testing: A critical examination of current education quality and accountability variables in Ontario. International Journal of Educational Reform, 27 (1), 08-15.
Recent Books:
Kraglund-Gauthier, W.L., Young, D.C., & Ryan, T.G. (Eds.). (2018). Readiness for the field:
Perspectives from within the triangle of teacher education. Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.
Ryan, T. G., & MacLeod, K. (Eds.). (2016). The physics educator: Tacit praxes and untold stories.
Champaign, IL: Common Ground Publishing.
Recent Articles:
Ryan, T.G. (2018, April). Educational action research as a global competence in a digital
world. Canadian Journal for Teacher Research, 1-8.
Ryan, T.G. (2018). Health and physical education can improve the school community. The
Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 16 (1), 17-21.
Ryan, T.G., & Deuerlein, K. (2018). Revitalizing the Ontario public education system for young
English language learners. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 5 (1), 15 - 36.
Ryan, T. G. (2017). Equity in health and physical education programs: An Ontario perspective. International Journal of Physical Education, 55 (2), 13–26.
Ryan, T.G., & Sinay, E. (2017). Edification of education: An illumination of best practices, effectiveness and improvement. Journal of Educational Thought, 51 (2), 13-18.
Mikelsteins, Z., & Ryan, T.G. (2017). Increasing inclusion and reducing the stigma of special needs in Latvia: What can we learn from other countries? International Journal of Educational Reform, 28 (1), 12-26.
Ryan, T.G., & Neely, C. (2017). Professional development: Educating digital natives in the twenty-first century. The Journal of Technologies in Society, 12 (3) 11-34.
Ryan, T.G., & Sinay, E. (2017). Teaching digital natives, immigrants, residents and visitors in the 21st century, 2(3), 1-15.
Ryan, T.G., Young, D.C., & Kraglund-Gauthier, W.L. (2017). Action research within pre-service teacher education. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal, 11, 1- 15
Ryan, T.G., & St-Laurent, M. (2016). Inquiry-based learning: Observations and outcomes. Journal of Elementary Education, 26 (1), 1-22.
Magalas, L., & Ryan, T.G. (2016). A new rendition of an old classic: The young writers program as a writing workshop. International Journal of Progressive Education, 12 (2), 7-22.
Legros, I., & Ryan, T.G. (2016). Principal traits and school climate: Is the invitational education leadership model the right choice? Journal of Educational Leadership Policy & Practice, 31 (1), 11-25.
Ryan, T.G., & Goure, C. (2016). Pedagogical Documentation: Utilizing documentation of student learning as a way to promote communication and reflection. The Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, 9 (1), 02-15.
Ryan, T. G., & Brock, A. (2016). Exploring the gap between teacher certification and permanent employment in Ontario: An Integrative Literature Review. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, (47).
Ryan, T.G., & de la Riva, S. (2015). Student readiness and self-regulation: Young children. International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 2 (1), 4-17.
Ryan, T.G., & Bagley, G. (2016). Nurturing the integration of technology in teacher education. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 11 (1), 16-32.
Kalles, S., & Ryan, T.G. (2015). Service-learning: Promise and possibility in post-secondary education. International Journal of Progressive Education, 11 (1), 132-148.
Ryan, T.G., & Pawlowsky, S. (2015). The 21st century school library: Perpetual change or evolution? International Journal of Educational Reform, 25 (1), 12-24.
Ryan, T.G., & Ruddy, S. (2015). Restorative justice: A changing community response. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 7 (2), 1-19.
Ryan, T.G., & Griffiths, S. (2015). Self-advocacy in Ontario: Impacts for adults with developmental disabilities. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 55 (1), 31-53.
Ryan, T.G., & Young, D. C. (2015). Online (distance) education: Evolving standards. Journal of Technologies in Education, 3 (1), 06-20.
Recent Presentations:
2018 - Clute International Conference on Education - Teaching Digital Natives, Immigrants, Residents and Visitors in the 21st Century. Orlando, FL., U.S.A. (Jan 2-6).
2017 – Thirteenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge & Society - Professional Development: Educating Digital Natives in the Twenty-First Century. University of Toronto, Ontario (May 26-27).http://techandsoc.com/2017-conference
2017 - American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting - Sinay, E., & Ryan, T.G. STEM Learning Coaches: An Exploratory Study of Differential Effects. San Antonio, Texas (April 31- May 1).http://www.aera.net/events-meetings/annual-meeting/2017-annual-meeting-…
2017 - The Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (ODLAA) Conference - Expanding Horizons in Open & Distance Learning - Online Student Engagement – Melbourne, Australia - (Feb 5-7).http://odlaa.org/odlaa_events/2017-conference/
2017 – The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) – Presentation – Sleep, Issues, Answers and Wellness. 30th ACHPER International Conference (Jan, 16-18). University of Canberra, Australia.
2016 – Universidad - 10th Congreso Internacional de Education Superior, Havana, Cuba (Feb 15-19).