Outgoing Nipissing Exchange Students

Outgoing Nipissing Exchange students

Taking your education abroad is an exciting opportunity. Our office offers an array of opportunities to help you internationalize your degree abroad.

  • Immerse yourself in a new culture and spend a year or semester studying at one of our partner schools
  • Give back globally by volunteering at one of our partner organizations
  • Gain invaluable international work experience through internship opportunities
  • Research and study in a culturally different context with our study and research opportunities
  • Take your teaching skills abroad and hone them in an international context by participating in an International BEd Practice (please contact the School of Education Practicum Office)

There are many reasons to go on Exchange — Exchange is an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and experience of another culture and/or language; experience your academic subject or worldview through a new lens; and develop transnational competencies and cross-cultural communication skills (which are of increasing value to employers). Exchange is also an opportunity to develop independence, flexibility, resilience, and the ability to adapt to new circumstances.

We welcome you to find out more about opportunities and services offered by exploring the links below or contacting the International Mobility Coordinator at internationalmobility@nipissingu.ca.

Check out our Stories from Exchange page to learn more about other students’ experiences.


Frequently Asked Questions

Learn about Exchange Programs:

Application Process:

After you Apply:

While Abroad:

Returning from Exchange:

Congratulations on completing your exchange! The Exchange Team has put together the following tips to help you leverage your experience for future success.