Founders House

Founders Residence exterior

Welcome to Founders House!

Our Founders House Residence Complex is the smallest of our Suite Style Residence complexes and houses around 200 students, but don’t get the idea that its size makes it any less great! It’s preferred by our Nursing students because it is within walking distance to the North Bay Regional Health Centre. It is located at the bottom of College Drive, adjacent to the Chancellors House Residence Complex, just minutes from the Main Campus.

Founders House is a Suite Style Residence Complex. Each Suite is fully furnished and designed to house up to 4 students and consists of a kitchen, living room, two bathrooms and four private bedrooms where the students have their own space to unwind.

Founders House

Founders is the smallest of the suite style complexes giving you a chance to adjust to university at the pace to which you are comfortable. You get the feel of the apartment style residence but it’s small enough that the community feels like one big family. You pass your peers in the hallways and you are able to build connections with your neighbours.

Samantha Moore
3rd year Bachelor of Science in Nursing student