Once signed into your eRezLife account, you will reach the home screen. You can start your residence application by clicking the “apply for housing” section in the middle of the screen.
You will then see the green “Apply Now” on the right-hand side. By clicking this button, you will begin the application process.
You are now at your eRezLife profile page. At this step, you will notice that much of your information is already in the system. Please check for errors, make changes if necessary, fill in any blank spaces and click ‘save’ at the bottom of the page. Keep in mind that the information you have filled in does NOT mean you have already automatically applied for next year. Once your profile is completed, click on “Nipissing University Residence Application 2023-2024” on the left-hand side when you are ready to move on to the application.
Completing the application - Emergency Contact Information: After you click on the Residence Application, you will be prompted to insert your Emergency Contact Information.
Slide 8 Building Preference: On this page, you choose your residence building preference. Select your building preferences by clicking on the options in the left box, which will automatically populate on the right. You must choose 3 options, in order of your preference. Choosing only one option will not increase your chances to that building. Also, keep in mind that the Townhouse Residence Complex is an option for upper-year students only.
Slide 9 Room Placement: If you are a RETURNING student, you may request specific room placements. You write this in the “additional information” box at the end of the application. Specific room placements will be assigned on a first-come, first served basis, and are not guaranteed. Please list a few preferred options in case your first choice has already been taken by someone who applied before you.
Slide 10 Important Considerations: There are important considerations for Room Placements for ALL applicants. In this box, you can provide information regarding any medical conditions, disabilities, or serious allergies that should be considered when assigning your room placement. Please note that providing this information helps us place you in a room that will best fit your needs, however, it does not guarantee we can accommodate all requests. Students with medically necessary accommodations are encouraged to fill out the form that is referenced in this section.
Slide 11 Food Allergies: In the next box, please detail any food allergies, intolerance, or dietary restrictions and specify the severity of the interactions that could present a risk to health.
Slide 12 Severe Allergies: The next box is for information about allergies to animals and specifics to the severity of your allergy. Please note that pets are not allowed in Residence, however, if a student presents a medical requirement for a Service Animal special permission may be granted, and roommates are consulted prior to placements. Again, this is crucial information for considerations for room placement. If you require specific accommodation, including a Service Animal, it is required that you fill out the Residence Accommodation Form. The link is provided in this slideshow.
Slide 13 Gender Selection: Nipissing University Residence Life strives to offer diversity within our community and therefore believe that students should live in an environment that is inclusive of their gender identity. We offer students the option of living in an all gender suite/house. Indicating “yes” to this question means that you agree to live in a suite/house with 3-5 roommates of any gender identity. Click on the gender identity link for more info.
Slide 14 Living Learning Community: If you are interested in living in one of the Living Learning Communities, select your preference by clicking on the options in the left box. Options will automatically populate on the right. Keep in mind that only selecting an LLC does not guarantee that you will be placed there.
Slide 15 Personal Preferences: In order to help us get to know you, answer some personal interest questions by selecting your answer in the right-hand tab. Keep in mind that your answers will help the Residence Staff and Council better understand community needs and interest. Your answers will be provided anonymously. This is portion plays a very important role within the roommate selection process. Please keep an open mind and be honest when answering these questions. These questions help us place you with like-minded students, who have a similar style of living to you.
Slide 16 Avoiding Roommate Pairings: Once you have completed the preferences portion, there is a question about avoiding roommate pairings that you might already know would not be good matches for you. This section is not mandatory, however, if you choose to fill it out, we assure you that we uphold a strict confidentiality policy. And finally, the last section of the page asks you to provide permission to share your information with your future roommates, giving you the chance to communicate with your roommates prior to move in day. Should you decline this option, you will not receive the contact information of your roommates either.
Slide 17 Deposit Payment: This section provides the options for resident deposit payment. Please read carefully and write down any important dates.
Slide 18 Save Information: Residence Life commits to protecting your privacy. Please SAVE your information before exiting or proceeding to the confirmation of your application. If all information is complete, accurate, and you are happy with your application, please proceed to the confirmation portion.
Ensure the following.
- You have read, understand, and agree to our terms and conditions. It is recommended that you open the linked document and read it carefully.
- The information you have provided within this application is truthful.
- You have selected a method of payment.
Slide 19 Submission Complete: Submit your application when ready and you will receive a confirmation that includes; receipt number & date. Thank you for applying to Nipissing University Residence. Please write down your confirmation information.
Slide 19: If you still have ANY questions, please contact the Residence Office at residence@nipissingu.ca OR 705-474-3450 Extension 4855. Thank you for listening to eRezlife 101: Your guide to applying to residence.