Learning Resources - Instructional Technology and Carrels

To reserve instructional hardware please see a representative in Client Services in Room A139. A request form must be completed indicating the type of equipment, date and time of the loan. Telephone inquiries to extension 4342 can be made but it is preferable to request the equipment in person.

A maximum loan period of 24 hours will be in effect for the hardware that is borrowed.

All equipment must be picked up from and returned to the hardware checkout desk of the Client Services. The University does not provide a courier or delivery service other than to the regularly scheduled classroom locations. The same advance process of pre-scheduling instructional technology applies to the classroom. All same day classroom bookings of technology must be picked up and returned to Client Services that same day by the user.

Anyone using University equipment is responsible for returning the equipment and accessories as originally booked. Client Services staff will pick up only scheduled classroom equipment so that it is returned into a new schedule of reallocation and use.

Consumables such as trays, cables and accessories to the instructional technology on loan must be returned with the equipment. Slide trays as an example are costly and cannot be handled as consumables. Consumables to be kept are considered to be those, which the user brings or supplies, and not what Client Services supplies.

Instructional technology or any equipment booked on a permanent basis must be returned at the end of each academic semester. Client Services will follow up all overdue loans upon the termination date of the loan.

Several carrels are available on a first come first serve basis or by scheduling a time period. These carrels allow the user to do video dubbing, editing, scanning, and allow the use of various production tools for the creation of multi media presentations. Users can work independently or receive assistance from the Client Service staff. Technology within these carrels is non-transferable and is considered as permanent non-circulatory technology.

Those wishing to use the equipment installed in the large lecture theatres must arrange, 24 hours ahead of time, to have the equipment set in an operating mode. Users are expected to be familiar with the large group instruction areas, its equipment and the operation of the instructional technology. Client Services can schedule instruction on the use of the instructional technology in each of the rooms if given sufficient notice prior to the event.

Learning Resources - Software

Rental/Loan films and media MUST be used on the playdate requested and returned to Client Services by the following morning to enable the materials to be dispatched by noon to their destination. Please make sure that all reporting forms enclosed with any films or media are completed and returned. Agencies and media companies are sometimes only reimbursed on receipt of these reports and require the information as part of their distribution data.

Employees should take the responsibility to be aware of the services offered by Client Services staff will be pleased to assist employees in locating material, selecting hardware and aid in the use of the technologies. Consultation on the development and production of learning resources or courseware is available.