Video series captures teachings of retired professor

Terry Dokis
Former Nipissing professor and citizen of Dokis First Nation, Terry Dokis may be retired, but his teachings won’t soon be forgotten. Working with professor of history, Dr. Katrina Srigley and video technologist Greg Foster, Dokis’ version of the Nishnaabeg Creation Story he carries has been captured in a video titled Cradling the Heart: an Anishinabek Creation Story.
Dokis also filmed a subsequent recording, Cradling the Heart Part II, which focuses on the teachings embedded in the first recording. These recordings were made possible with funding support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Dokis spent more than 25 years creating, sustaining and teaching in the Indigenous Studies program at Nipissing University before his retirement in 2018.
Recordings of Cradling the Heart: an Anishinabek Creation Story and Cradling the Heart Part II are available for viewing here.