Dr. Dan Walters

Areas of Specialization:
Water governance; First Nations drinking water and wastewater risk; harmful algae blooms; agricultural decision support
Research Interests:
My current programs of research include: 1) examining the underlying spatial and socioeconomic determinants of First Nations drinking water and wastewater risk; 2) exploring the use of Unmanned Airborne Vehicle (UAV) for applications in precision farming; 3) assessing policy responses to harmful algae blooms; and 4) coordinating a state of the basin report for Lake Nipissing.
Shang, J., J. Liu, V. Poncos, X. Geng, B. Qian, Q. Chen, T. Dong, D. Macdonald, T.C. Martin, J.M. Kovacs, and D. Walters (2020) Detection of crop seeding and harvest through analysis of time-series Sentinel-1 Intererometric SAR data. Remote Sensing, 12,1551. doi:10.3390/rs12101551
Lukawiecki, J., R.C. Gagnon, C. Dokis, D. Walters and L. Molot (2019) Meaningful engagement with Indigenous peoples: a case study of Ontario’s Great Lakes Protection Act. International Journal of Water Resources Development. DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2019.1681261
Dong, T., J. Shang, J. Liu, B. Qian, Q. Jing, B. Ma, T. Huffman, X. Geng, A. Sow, Y. Shi, F. Canisius, X. Jiao, J.M. Kovacs, D. Walters, J. Cable and J. Wilson (2019) Using RapidEye imagery to identify within-field variability of crop growth and yield in Ontario, Canada. Precision Agriculture, 20(6): 1231-1250.
Dong, J. Liu, B. Shang, J. Qian, B. Qian, J.M. Kovacs, D. Walters, X. Jiao, X. Geng and Y. Shi (2019) Assessment of the red-edge based vegetation indices for the estimation of crop leaf area index. Remote Sensing of Environment, 222: 133-143.
Zhang C., J. Kovacs and D. Walters (2018) The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (Chapter 4). In J. Stafford (Ed.) Precision Agriculture for Sustainability (22 pp.) Cambridge, U.K.: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing
Shrubsole D., D. Walters, B. Veale and B. Mitchell (Eds.) (2018) Integrated Water Management in Canada: The Experiences of Watershed Agencies. Routledge, ISBN 9781138586918
Wachowiak, M.P., A.L. James, R. Wachowiak-Smolíková, D.F. Walters, K. J. Chutko and J.A. Rusak (2018) Visual analytics of high-frequency lake monitoring data.International Journal of Data Science and Visual Analytics 5(2-3): 99-110.
Herath, A., B.L. Ma, J. Shang, J. Lui, T. Dong, J.M. Kovacs and D. Walters (2018) On-farm spatial characterization of soil mineral nitrogen, crop growth, and yield of canola as affected by different rates of nitrogen application.Canadian Journal of Soil Science 98(1): 1-14
Wachowiak, M.P., D.F. Walters, J. M. Kovacs, R. Wachowiak-Smolíková and A.L. James (2017) Visual analytics and remote sensing imagery to support community-based research for precision agriculture in emerging areas.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 143: 149-164.
Jarvis D.H., Wachowiak M.P., Walters D.F. and Kovacs M.J. (2017) Adoption of web-based spatial tools by agricultural producers: Conversations with seven northern Ontario farmers using the GeoVisage decision support system.Agriculture 7(8): 69.
Shrubsole, D., D.Walters, D. Veale and B. Mitchell (2017) Integrated water management in Canada: The experience of watershed agencies. International Journal of Water Resources Development33(3): 349-359.
Scott, P., B. Tayler and D. Walters (2017) Lessons from implementing integrated water resource management: A case study of the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority, Ontario.International Journal of Water Resources Development 33(3): 393-407.
Jing Q., B. Qian, J. Shang, T. Huffman, J. Liu, E. Pattey, T. Dong, N. Tremblay, C.F. Dury, B.L. Ma, G. Jégo, X. Jiao, J. Kovacs, D. Walters and J. Wang (2017) Assessing the options to improve regional wheat yield in eastern Canada using the CSM-CERES-Wheat model.Agronomy Journal 109(2): 510-523.
Jing Q., J. Shang, B. Qian, G. Hoogenboom, T. Huffman, J. Liu, B. Ma, X. Geng, X. Jiao, J. Kovacs, and D. Walters (2016) Evaluation of the CSM-CROPGRO-Canola Model for Simulating Canola Growth and Yield at West Nipissing in Eastern Canada.Agronomy Journal 108(2): 1-10.
Brown B., R. Wachowiak-Smolíková, N. Spence, M. Wachowiak and D. Walters (2016) Why Do Some First Nations Communities Have Safe Water and Others Not? Socioeconomic Determinants of Drinking Water Risk.Global Journal of Health Science 8(9): 99-106.
Shang, J., J. Lui, B. Ma, T. Zhao, X. Jiao, X. Geng, T. Huffman, J.M. Kovacs and D. Walters (2015) Mapping spatial variability of crop growth conditions using RapidEye data in Northern Ontario, Canada.Remote Sensing of Environment 168: 113-125.
Wachowiak M.P., R. Wachowiak-Smolíková, B. Dobbs, J. Abbott and D. Walters (2015) Interactive Web-Based Visualization for Lake Monitoring in Community-Based Participatory Research: A Pilot Study Using a Commercial Vessel to Monitor Lake Nipissing.Environment and Pollution 4(2): 42-54.
Zhang, C., D. Walters and J.M. Kovacs (2014) Applications of Low Altitude Remote Sensing in Agriculture upon Farmers’ Requests– A Case Study in Northeastern Ontario, Canada. PLoS ONE 9(11): e112894.
Mitchell, B., C. Priddle, D. Shrubsole, B. Veale and D. Walters (2014) Lessons about Integrated Water Resource Management based on Experience of the Ontario Conservation Authorities in Canada. International Journal of Water Resources Development 30(3): 460-474.
Walters, D. and D. Shrubsole (2014) Assessing the implementation of Ontario’s Nutrient Management decision support system.The Canadian Geographer 58: 203-216.
Jiao,X., J.M. Kovacs, J. Shang, H. McNairn, D. Walters, B. Ma and X. Geng (2014) Object-oriented crop mapping and monitoring using multi-temporal polarimetric RADARSAT-2 data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 96: 38-46 .
Walters, D., R. Smolikova-Wachowiak, M. Wachowiak, D. Shrubsole and J. Malczewski (2013) Ontario’s nutrient calculator: Overview and Sensitivity Analysis. Journal of Agricultural Science 5(11): 189-200.
Walters, D., Spence, N., Kuikman, K. and B. Singh (2012) Multi-barrier protection of drinking water systems: A comparison of First Nations and non-First Nations communities in Ontario. InternationalIndigenous Policy Journal 3: 1-25.
Spence, N. and D. Walters (2012) Is my water safe? Risk perception among a vulnerable population. International Indigenous Policy Journal 3: 1-23.
Schulte-Hostedde B., D. Walters, C. Powell and D. Shrubsole (2007) Wetland management: An analysis of past and recent policy changes in Ontario. Journal of Environmental Management 82:83-94.
Walters D. and D. Shrubsole (2005) Assessing efforts to mitigate the impacts of drainage on wetlands in Ontario, Canada. The Canadian Geographer 49(2): 155-171.
Walters D. and D. Shrubsole (2003) Agricultural drainage and wetland management in Ontario. Journal of Environmental Management 69: 369-379.
Malczewski J., T. Chapman, C. Flegel, D. Walters, D. Shrubsole and M. Healy (2003) GIS-multicriteria evaluation with Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA): Case study of developing watershed management strategies. Environment and Planning A 35: 1769-1784.