Dr. Greg Brown

Dr. Brown has completed numerous applied research studies in corrections and in policing, including a study of the prevalence of mental illness and mental health care needs among inmates in the Ontario correctional system making using of the RAI-MH, and recently completed a study of the prevalence of use of psychotropic medication among federal inmates in Canada. Dr. Brown is also a co-developer of the interRAI Brief mental health Screener (BMHS).
Dr. Brown has been a faculty member at Nipissing University since September 1999.
He received his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Waterloo in 1991, specializing in research methods and statistics.
Areas of Specialization:
Research Methods & Statistics; Program & Policy Evaluation; Corrections; Policing; Mental Health
Research Interests:
Mental Health in Corrections; Police Interactions with Persons with a Mental Disorder; Police Use of Force; Police Training; Program and Policy Evaluation
Current & Future Research:
Prevalence of Mental Disorder Among Federal Women Offenders; Population Aging and Real Estate Decision-Making; Suicide Risk Assessments Instruments in Corrections; Police Interactions with Persons with Mental Disorder.
Books Authored
Brown, G.P., Hoffman, R. & Siegel, L.J. (2017). CRIM: Third Canadian Edition. Toronto, On: Nelson Education.
Siegel, L.J., Brown, G.P. & Hoffman, R. (2013). CRIM: Second Canadian Edition. Toronto, On: Nelson Education.
Siegel, L.J., Brown, G.P. & Hoffman, R. (2006). Criminology: The Core – 1st Canadian Edition. Toronto, ON: Thomson Nelson.
Refereed Book Chapters
Stewart, S.L., Kam, C.C.S., Marshman, M.E., Leschied, A.W., Perlman, C.M., Brown, G.P.,Theall, L., Ali, U., Hirdes, J.P., Barbaree, H., & Morris, J.N. (2015). Harm to Others CAP. Ch. 3, pp. 19-26 in Stewart, S.L. & Theall, L.A., interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Collaborative Action Plans (CAPs): For Use with the Child and Youth Mental Health Assessment Instrument. Version 9.3. Washington, DC: interRAI.
Marshman, M.E., Stewart, S.L., Brown, G.P., Barbaree, H., Mathias, K., & Theall, L. (2015). Sexual Behaviour. Cap. Ch.4, pp.35-41 in Stewart, S.L. & Theall, L.A. interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Collaborative Action Plans (CAPs): For Use with the Child and Youth Mental Health Assessment Instrument. Version 9.3. Washington, DC: interRAI.
Ashworth, M., Martin, L. & Brown, G. (2013). Abuse by Others CAP. Ch. 1, pp. 3-8 in Martin, L., Ashworth, M., James, M.L., Baas, R., Hirdes, J.P., Rabinowitz, T., Belleville-Taylor, P., interRAI Intellectual Disability Collaborative Action Plans (CAPs) Version 9.2. Washington, D.C.: interRAI.
Ashworth, M., Martin, L., Rabinowitz, T., Baas, R., Brown, G. & Perlman, C. (2013). Injurious Behaviour CAP. Ch. 4, pp. 29-40 in Martin, L., Ashworth, M., James, M.L., Baas, R., Hirdes, J.P., Rabinowitz, T. Belleville-Taylor, P., interRAI Intellectual Disability Collaborative Action Plans (CAPs) Version 9.2.
Perlman, C.M., Barbaree, H., Brown, G.P., Hirdes, J.P. & Morris, J.N. (2011). Harm to Others CAP. Ch. 1, pp. 3-11 in Hirdes, J.P., Curtin-Telegdi, N., Mathias, K., Perlman, C.M., Saarela, T., Kolbeinsson, H., Baas, R., interRAI Mental Health Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPS) for use with Community and Hospital-Based Mental Health Assessment Instruments. Washington, D.C.: interRAI.
Barbaree, H., Brown, G.P., Fries, B.E., Mathias, K. & Schmorrow, A. (2011). Criminal Activity CAP. Ch. 9, pp. 71-79 in in Hirdes, J.P., Curtin-Telegdi, N., Mathias, K., Perlman, C.M., Saarela, T., Kolbeinsson, H., Baas, R., interRAI Mental Health Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPS) for use with Community and Hospital-Based Mental Health Assessment Instruments. Washington, D.C.: interRAI.
Woodbury, K. & Brown, G.P. (2009). Women's Work? Feminization and the Future of Police Work in Canada. Chapter 13, pp. 349-365 in Barker, Jane (editor) Women and the Criminal Justice System: A Canadian Perspective. Toronto, ON: Emond Montgomery.
Brown, G.P. & Hoffman, R. (2007). Dangerous Medicine: Social Control of the Mentally Ill and the Police Role. Chapter 14. pp. 227-241 in Leclair, J.A. & Foster, L.T. (editors) Contemporary Issues in Mental Health: Concepts, Policy and Practice. Victoria, B.C.: Western Geographical Press.
Muzzin, L.J., Brown, G.P. & Hornosty, R.W. (1998) Professional ideology in Canadian pharmacy. Ch. 13 in Coburn, D., Darcy, C. & Torrance, G. (editors) Health and Canadian Society: Sociological Perspectives - 3rd Edition, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998), pp. 379-398.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Hoffman, R., Hirdes, J., Brown, G.P., Dubin, J.A. & Barbaree, H. (2016). The use of a briefmental health screener to enhance the ability of police officers to identify persons with serious mental disorders.International Journal of Law and Psychiatry.Published online, March, 2016, 8 pp. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.02.031
Brown, G.P., Hirdes, J.P. & Fries, B.E. (2015).Measuring the prevalence of current, severe symptoms of mental health problems in a Canadian correctional population: Implications for delivery of mental health services for inmates.International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 59(1) 27–50 doi: 10.1177/0306624X13507040
Joubert, D., Archambault K. & Brown. G. (2014). Cycle of coercion: experiences of maltreatment and disciplinary measures in Canadian inmates. International Journal of Prison Health, 10(2), 79-93. doi: 10.1108/IJPH-09-2013-0043.
Archambault, K., Joubert D., & Brown. G. (2013). Gender, psychiatric symptomatology, problem behaviors and mental health treatment in a Canadian provincial correctional population: Disentangling the associations between care and institutional control. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 12(2), 93-106.doi: 10.1080/14999013.2013.787560
Fries, B.E., Schmorrow, A., Lang, S., Margolis, P., Heany, J., Brown, G., Barbaree, H. & Hirdes, J. (2013). Symptoms and treatment of mental illness among prisoners: A study of Michigan state prisons. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 36 (3/4), 316-325. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2013.04.008
Brown, G.P. & Brozowski, K. (2003). Golden years? The incarceration of the older offender. Geriatrics Today, 6, 32-35.
Brown, G.P. & Hoffman, R. (2000). The re-design of advanced patrol training for police constables in Ontario: Making use of evaluation to maximize organizational effectiveness and efficiency. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 15 (1), 83-100.
Muzzin, L.J., Brown, G.P. & Hornosty, R.W. (1995). Gender, educational credentials, contributions and career advancement: results of a follow-up study in hospital pharmacy. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 32 (2), 151-168.
Muzzin, L.J., Brown, G.P. & Hornosty, R.W. (1994). Consequences of feminization of a profession: the case of Canadian pharmacy. Women and Health, 21 (2/3), 39-56.
Muzzin, L.J., Hornosty, R.W. & Brown, G.P. (1993). Hospital and community pharmacists' attitudes towards clinical pharmacy, Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 46 (6), 243-8.
Muzzin, L.J., Brown, G.P. & Hornosty, R.W. (1993) Professional ideology in Canadian pharmacy. Health and Canadian Society, 1 (2), 1993, 319-345.
Hornosty, R.W., Muzzin, L.J. & Brown, G.P. (1992). Faith in the ideal of clinical pharmacy among practising pharmacists seven years after graduation from pharmacy school. Journal of Social Administrative Pharmacy, 9(2), 87-96.
Refereed Clinical Instruments
Brief Mental Health Screener (BMHS). Hoffman, R., Hirdes, J.P., Brown, G.P. & Barbaree, H. Washington, D.C.: interRAI, 2015.
interRAI Cognitive Status Guide (ICSG). Morris, J., Brown, G., Hirdes, J., Hoffman, R. & Andrews, M. Washington, D.C.: interRAI, 2014.
Forensic Supplement to the interRAI RAI-MH and interRAI CMH. Barbaree, H., Mathias, K., Hirdes, J.P. & Brown, G.P. Washington, D.C.: interRAI, 2010.
interRAI Mental Health (MH) for Correctional Facilities. Fries, B.E., Brown, G.P., Hirdes, J.P. & Barbaree, H. Washington, D.C.: interRAI, 2008
Refereed Clinical Manuals
Hirdes, J.P., Hoffman, R., Brown, G.P., Barbaree, H. & Curtin-Telegdi, N. (2015). interRAI Brief Mental Health Screener (BMHS) Assessment Form and User’s Manual. Washington, D.C.: interRAI.
Refereed Reports
Brown, G.P., R. Hoffman & Neufeld, E. (2016). Literature Review on Existing EmpiricallyValidated Suicide Risk Assessment Tools. Ottawa, ON: Correctional Service ofCanada.
Brown, G. (2016).Approved and ‘Off-Label’ Use of Prescribed Psychotropic MedicationsAmong Federal Inmates. Research Report. Ottawa, ON: Correctional Service of Canada.
Brown, G. (2016). Approved and ‘Off-Label’ Use of Prescribed Psychotropic MedicationsAmong Federal Inmates. Ottawa, ON: Correctional Service of Canada.
Brown, G. (2016). Prescription Practices for Psychotropic Medications in the Community and in Prison Populations: Review of Current Literature. Research Review, Ottawa, ON: Correctional Service of Canada.
Beaudette, J., Stewart, L., Brown, G. & Cook, S. (2014). Aging Offenders in the Custody of the Correctional Service of Canada. Research Snippet. Ottawa, ON: Correctional Service of Canada.