The Central Analytical Facility was created through a Canadian Foundation for Innovation initiative that brought together various stakeholders including Nipissing University, the Governments of Canada and Ontario, Varian Canada, Perkin Elmer, and Fisher Scientific.This initiative enabled the funding of new laboratory space and the purchase of analytical equipment. The facility allows Nipissing University researchers and students to expand the focus of their research into new areas that were previously inaccessible.
In addition to the research and teaching priorities, associated with the Central Analytical Facility, the facility also performs external research opportunities. This means that the facility and its personnel can be utilised by companies, government agencies and other universities to perform a range of analyses.
Our main objective is to facilitate, collaborative, multi-user, multi-disciplinary and regional research opportunities involving the Central Analytical Facility instrumentation.
Ashley Marcellus
705-474-3450 ex. 4705