Biidaaban Academic Support (BAS) is a tutoring program for Indigenous youth in grades 3 to 8, with a focus on mathematics and literacy. Nipissing University student volunteers offer one-on-one support online or in person for youth in local schools.
Program Dates
November 2021 to March 2022.
Schedules are adapted to student needs and tutor availability.
Program Locations (schools)
Near North District School Board
Nipissing Parry Sound Catholic District School Board
Become a Tutor
Open to all Nipissing University students. On average, students tutor for 1-3 hours per week throughout the school year. The Office of Indigenous Initiatives offers free professional development and cultural safety training for interested tutors. Tutoring is offered online or in person and takes place November 2021 to March 2022. Schedules are flexible and vary based on student availability.
Register as a tutor
Contact Carrie Demers, Student Placement Coordinator in the Office of Indigenous Initiatives, at carriede@nipissingu.ca.
You will be invited to:
- Book an interview
- Provide a copy of a valid Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC)
- Training: See "Tutor Training" tab (*If you have attended our training in years past, you are not required to go through training again, although you are certainly welcome to view webinars of interest to you. Every year offers very different training content.)
Community impact
In order for us to measure the impact of tutoring supports for Indigenous youth and tutors, it is important for tutors to record their work by submitting tutoring reports online. Submit Tutor Report
Benefits of becoming a Tutor
Support Community
- Connect with real people, share in their experiences, learn from them
- Provide human resources where there is a need
- Enhance social awareness and sense of responsibility
- Get to know your community beyond the campus
Professional Development
- Meet people and network
- Learn from experience
- Develop skills and broaden knowledge (critical thinking, problem-solving, leadership, communication)
Personal Growth
- Gain perspective
- Assess your strengths, motivations and passions
- Increase understanding of concepts learned in class
- Get to know yourself in different contexts and in relation to others
The Office of Indigenous Initiatives recognizes the volunteer work of students in community and provides certification. We also recognize the work by offering incentives including access to free professional development workshops throughout the school year.
For tutors who complete 10 hours or more of tutoring: you are invited to submit requests for a variety of education related training (webinars, workshops, etc.) which could include Mental Health First Aid, ASIST, StraightTalk, SafeTalk, Tattered Teddies, First Aid and CPR, inclusive language, etc. Our team will review and evaluate each submission. Approved workshops may be reimbursed in full or subsidized. Please note that funds are limited and this opportunity is available on a first come first served basis. Email Carrie Demers, Student Placement Coordinator, at carriede@nipissingu.ca, with your workshop request. If approved, students pay for the workshop ahead of time, and are reimbursed after attending the workshop.
Tutor Training
A number of free online workshops are offered to students interested in tutoring. Tutors will be asked to view a number of them prior to starting their role.
Contact Carrie Demers carriede@nipissingu.ca for access to the recorded training sessions.
Niminowaazmin (Year-end celebration)
Niminowaazmin is the Office of Indigenous Initiatives' year-end celebration for Biidaaban youth programs including Biidaaban Youth Group and Biidaaban Academic Support, honouring the successes of participating youth, their families, as well as our partners, tutors, student volunteers and employees.
Niminowaazmin is an Ojibwe (Anishinaabe) word that means "we are celebrating".
Virtual activities to include traditional teachings, cultural and artistic activities, games, and door prizes.
When: Sunday, March 27th, 2021, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Where: TBD
RSVP: Contact Carrie Demers, Student Placement Coordinator at carriede@nipissingu.ca.
Biidaaban Academic Support is presented in partnership with the Office of Indigenous Initiatives, the Near North District School Board, the Nipissing-Parry Sound Catholic District School Board, and Nbisiing Secondary School at Nipissing First Nation.
Register your Youth
Please send the below registration form to Carrie Demers at carriede@nipissingu.ca
Biidaaban Academic Support Registration Form
For more information, contact Makayla Nowee, Biidaaban Community Service-Learning Officer, 705-474-3450 x4586 / makaylan@nipissingu.ca