Refund/Credit Dates and Deadlines

Students who drop courses within the posted drop schedule time frames will receive a credit on their student account equal to the percentage of tuition indicated below.

Refunds/Credits a​re applied on TUITION AMOUNTS ONLY. Ancillary fees and deposits are non-refundable.

Refund Policy:

Nipissing University issues refunds by direct deposit to student bank accounts, as set up through Web Advisor.

In certain circumstances, Nipissing University will issue a refund cheque on a student's account, by request only. 

Students may request a refund by submitting a Refund Request Form

*For students receiving OSAP funding: As per your signed OSAP declaration, any refund of fees must be directed back to the National Student Loan Service Centre, regardless of the source of the payment(s)​.

Please note, any student who completely withdraws from Nipissing University must notify the Finance Office after their courses have been dropped. At that time their account will be reconciled and any refunds, if applicable, will be processed.

**Nipissing University reserves the right to modify published fees and the regulations governing refunds without advance notice.**​

2023 Spring/Summer Undergraduate Drop Schedule

Arts/Science/Nursing/BPHE/BBA/Distance Learning/BComm/College Partnership

Tuition Credit Schedule