
Welcome to Biology at Nipissing

Students at Nipissing explore Biology through enriched lab and field activities—gaining practical experience through hands-on interaction. Those who are most interested in ecological or environmental forms of Biology can amass diverse field experiences through outdoor labs, field trips, Field Camps, and research studies performed in numerous nearby ecosystems. Students who are most interested in laboratory, greenhouse, or health-related Biology, can gain a wealth of skills and experience through exciting cutting-edge activities and research projects performed in our indoor research facilities, using top-of-the-line analytical equipment.

Faculty at Nipissing focus their diverse abilities and experiences on optimizing their teaching and research to enrich student learning. Our professors have studied and published in a wide range of academic topics, won research grants, written textbooks, worked with various industries, advised governments, and have been honoured with teaching awards.

We are a Department of Biology and Chemistry, and although our current emphasis is on Biology, we have established a large number of Chemistry courses to support all aspects of Biology.​​​

Courses in Biology & Chemistry

BIOL 2346: Techniques in Forestry

This course will provide students with an overview of the approaches and techniques used to study and manage forest ecosystems. Topics will include orienteering, ecological land classification, forest mensuration, silvicultural tree marking, long-term monitoring of permanent plot networks, wildlife habitat and biodiversity indicators, and dendrochronology.

BIOL 3447: Silviculture

Examine practices used to control the establishment, growth, species composition, and health of forests to meet diverse needs and values while following ecosystem-based management approaches to reforestation. Topics include silvicultural systems, stand development, site productivity, tree growth/architecture, tree improvement, seeding and planting stock, natural and artificial regeneration; site preparation, and tending.

CHEM 2056: Physical Chemistry

Students acquire a basic understanding of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics. Topics in thermodynamics include ideal and non-ideal gases, the three laws, physical transformations of pure substances, simple mixtures, chemical equilibrium, and chemical kinetics.

CHEM 4206: Electrochemistry

The physical properties of charged electrode/solution interfaces and the chemical processes that occur as a result of changes in electrical energy at those interfaces. Topics include a review of electrode processes of electrochemical cells, redox reactions of inorganic and organic substances, electrochemical instrumentation, electric double-layer structure and adsorption, electrode reaction kinetics and potential sweep methods.