Advanced Placement (AP)

  • Applicants who have completed Advanced Placement (AP) courses are encouraged to submit their examination results.
  • Official AP score reports must be sent directly to Nipissing University from the College Board. Nipissing's DI code is 4149.
  • Transfer credit will be granted for most AP courses completed with a grade of 4 or higher, to a maximum of 18 credits (0.6 year).
  • Transfer credit will not be assessed until official scores are received and you have accepted your offer of admission.

Transfer Credit

The following chart shows a list of the Nipissing courses equivalent to AP courses. Concerned that your AP course isn’t listed? This chart is a work in progress.  Even if your course is not listed it will still be assessed for possible transfer credit.

Nipissing University courses are numbered as follows:

  • Four letters to indicate the discipline;
  • Four numbers to designate the course;
  • The first digit indicates the year level at which the course is offered;
  • Normally the last digit indicates whether the course is a six-credit or a three-credit course, and whether the course may count towards a program;
    • Last digit 5 – 6 credit course (count towards program)
    • Last digit 0 – 6 credit course
    • Last digit 6 or 7 – 3 credit course (count towards program)
    • Last digit 1 or 2 – 3 credit course
    • Last digit 8 or 9 – 1.5 credit course
  • Courses where 9 is the first digit indicates a non-equivalent transfer credit. The second digit indicates the year level, and the fourth digit continues to represent the credit value.

Example 1: PYSC 1106 – 6 credit first year Psychology course that can count towards program

Example 2: HUMA 9101 – 3 credit first year Humanities course (non-equivalent)

AP Course Nipissing Equivalent Credit Value
AP CourseBiology Nipissing EquivalentBIOL 1006 + BIOL 1007 Credit Value3 credit each (6 credits total)
AP CourseEnglish Literature and Composition Nipissing EquivalentENGL 1106 Credit Value3 credits
AP CourseEuropean History Nipissing EquivalentHIST 1106 Credit Value3 credits
AP CourseFrench Language and Culture Nipissing EquivalentFREN 9101 Credit Value3 credits
AP CoursePsychology Nipissing EquivalentPSYC 9106 Credit Value3 credits