International Baccalaureate (IB)

Nipissing welcomes applications from applicants who have either successfully completed the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma or taken one or more IB courses to complement your high school studies. Nipissing recognizes the skills and abilities IB students develop within the program and that it is excellent preparation for higher education studies.

Admission Requirements

Applicants who have successfully completed the IB diploma with at least six subjects, including three at the higher level (HL), with a minimum final score of 24 (not including bonus points), will be considered for admission. Program specific prerequisites may apply. Further information can be found on the IB Admission Requirements website.


All Canadian and international applicants applying directly from secondary school for September entry will be considered automatically for guaranteed entrance scholarships. No application required.

The minimum IB diploma score required for scholarship consideration is 30 (including bonus points).

Further information can be found on the Financial Aid website.

Transfer Credit

Transfer credit assessment will be given to any higher level (HL) or standard level (SL) course completed with a minimum score of 5 or higher. Applicants who have completed the IB diploma may be eligible to receive up to 30 transfer credits (one year).

  • Final official IB transcripts must be sent directly to Nipissing University by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).  Connect with your Guidance Counsellor for further information regarding transcripts or visit the IBO website.
  • Transfer credit will not be assessed until official scores are received and you have accepted your offer of admission.

The following chart shows a list of the Nipissing courses equivalent to IB courses. Concerned that your IB course isn’t listed? This chart is a work in progress. Even if your course is not listed it will still be assessed for possible transfer credit.

Nipissing University courses are numbered as follows:

  • Four letters to indicate the discipline;
  • Four numbers to designate the course;
  • The first digit indicates the year level at which the course is offered;
  • Normally the last digit indicates whether the course is a six-credit or a three-credit course, and whether the course may count towards a program;
    • Last digit 5 – 6 credit course (count towards program)
    • Last digit 0 – 6 credit course
    • Last digit 6 or 7 – 3 credit course (count towards program)
    • Last digit 1 or 2 – 3 credit course
    • Last digit 8 or 9 – 1.5 credit course
  • Courses where 9 is the first digit indicates a non-equivalent transfer credit. The second digit indicates the year level and the fourth digit continues to represent the credit value.

Example 1: PYSC 1106 – 6 credit first year Psychology course that can count towards program

Example 2: HUMA 9101 – 3 credit first year Humanities course (non-equivalent)

IB Course

Nipissing Equivalent

Credit Value

IB Course

Arabic B SL

Nipissing Equivalent

HUMA 9101

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course

Biology HL

Nipissing Equivalent

BIOL 1006 + BIOL 1007

Credit Value

3 credits each (total 6 credits)

IB Course

Biology SL

Nipissing Equivalent

BIOL 9106

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course

Business Management HL

Nipissing Equivalent

ADMN 9105

Credit Value

6 credits

IB Course

Business Management SL

Nipissing Equivalent

ADMN 9106

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course

Chemistry HL

Nipissing Equivalent

CHEM 1006 + CHEM 1007

Credit Value

3 credits each (total 6 credits)

IB Course

Chemistry SL

Nipissing Equivalent

CHEM 1006

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course

English A: Literature HL

Nipissing Equivalent

ENGL 1006 + ENGL 9106

Credit Value

3 credits each (total 6 credits)

IB Course

English B HL

Nipissing Equivalent

ENGL 1551 + ENGL 1552

Credit Value

3 credits each (total 6 credits)

IB Course

English B SL

Nipissing Equivalent

ENGL 1551

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course

Environmental Systems and Societies (ES&S)

Nipissing Equivalent

GEOG 2226

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course

French B SL

Nipissing Equivalent

FREN 1106

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course

History Europe HL

Nipissing Equivalent

HIST 1006 + HIST 9106

Credit Value

3 credits each (total 6 credits)

IB Course

Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS) HL

Nipissing Equivalent

SOCI 9106 + COSC 9101

Credit Value

3 credits each (total 6 credits)

IB Course

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL

Nipissing Equivalent

MATH 1036

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course

Mathematics SL

Nipissing Equivalent

MATH 9101

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course

Psychology HL

Nipissing Equivalent

PSYC 1006 + PSYC 9106

Credit Value

3 credits each (total 6 credits)

IB Course

Spanish B SL

Nipissing Equivalent

ESPA 9106

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course


Nipissing Equivalent

PHIL 9106

Credit Value

3 credits

IB Course

Visual Arts SL

Nipissing Equivalent

FAVA 9101

Credit Value

3 credits